Healing For the Nations

As recent tragic events have been unfolding in our world, we may wonder what it will take to bring God’s peace to individuals and to war torn nations. The reality is that true peace only comes from God and His son Jesus Christ. When Jesus instructed His disciples that His Kingdom was not of this world, He also provided them understanding that His spirit would provide inner peace and spiritual protection for them. When Jesus was speaking to His disciples about the peace that He would leave them He was using the Hebrew word Shalom (peace) which in the Jewish community meant more than a temporary feeling of ease or some type of peace treaty among nations. The word Shalom (peace) has a deeper meaning of spiritual wellness, divine favor, along with provision for every area of our lives. That sounds like the kind of peace and assurance we could all use every day!

After Solomon dedicated the temple to God, the Lord appeared to Solomon and gave him instructions about what is required for healing the land. In 2 Chronicles we find the following verse “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14) There is so much in this verse, and in study I have found several principles that lead to healing. The first step is to call on the name of the Lord. The name of Christ is part of our church name and there is a banner in many of our churches that states, “No creed but Christ, no Law but Love, no Guide but the Bible.” The scriptures clearly teach that there is no other name given in heaven and earth for men to be saved. Peter declared healing to a lame man shortly after the day of Pentecost by stating “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” When we just breathe the holy name of Jesus in prayer things change!

The next part of this verse calls for us to pray with humility. Realizing that wisdom, strength, and healing can only come from God and not our own strength. The good news is that whatever we lack the Lord can provide. I have been reminded by the spirit of God recently of the stanza “for my words I’ll take his wisdom, for my works his spirit’s power.”

If we are not sure what to do, what to say or how things will work out just think about the power of that verse! Just place it all in His hands and He can do exceedingly above and beyond all we can ask or imagine.

Finally, we must seek the face of God. In fact, in the New Testament, it shows us that we find the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. When we seek His face, we must turn from sinful and wicked behavior.

As we move toward God, we must move away from things that are displeasing to Him and would prevent us from being blessed. After we have met these conditions, we can then receive what the Lord has for us, “then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” I pray as you think on these things the Lord will bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and give you true peace that passes all understanding.

- Bro. Joe Hashemi


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