Following Jesus
During my 22 years of being sanctified, I have had to learn a lot about how to be a more effective follower of Christ. One of the most important lessons I have learned is how to listen to and obey that “still, small voice” of his Holy Spirit. When the things of this world try to drown out that voice, I have to put everything else aside, find a quiet place, and pray earnestly for Jesus’ will to be known. “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father, which is in secret” (Matthew 6:6).
In the 10th chapter of Acts, The Holy Spirit came to Peter in a vision. He was asked to kill and eat common and unclean things that his Jewish faith had taught him to avoid all of his life. This was a metaphor for preaching to the Gentiles. A bold move for a Jewish man at that time. Even as Peter was doubting the vision, Cornelius’ men were at his gate and asking for him. He finally listened, welcomed the men in, visited Cornelius, and got his entire household sanctified. “While Peter yet spake these words, The Holy Ghost fell on of them which heard The Word.” (Acts 10:44 )
In the 16th chapter of Acts, Paul, who had already traveled and started churches in Asia, had a dream. He had planned to visit Bithynia, but The Holy Spirit visited him in his sleep. In his dream, a man from Macedonia told Paul that he should visit him there instead. Paul woke up, “Followed Jesus”, traveled to Macedonia, and started baptizing in The Holy Spirit. And just like that, The Gospel was being preached on the continent of Europe. 1600 years later, Christianity had covered Europe and was making its way into people’s hearts on small wooden ships to North America and eventually to us here today. Paul “followed” Jesus’ Holy Spirit, The Comforter, that He left for us as He ascended to Heaven.
I personally have had many occasions to follow Jesus. My most memorable was just a few years after getting sanctified. I was alone on a missionary trip after Hurricane Katrina. The first day on the Gulf Coast, I had the “plans”. Well, after a 20-hour day, my “plans” failed. I couldn’t find the right location, no one seemed receptive, and I couldn’t even find a place to stay. I got down on myself and felt like I had let myself, God, and everyone that had sponsored my trip, down. At 2 AM, after getting up at 5 AM the previous morning, I am driving From Mobile, AL up Interstate 64 toward Montgomery. It was a very lonely road. I started to pray for God’s guidance and St Matthew 6:6 came to me. I pulled over on the emergency lane, got out and on my knees (no closet available), and prayed my heart out for God to show me the way out of my predicament. As I finished and looked up, there was a light shining up a few miles down the road. A still, small voice told me I needed to go to that light. The light was an old Native American motel that was still open for some reason. A young lady was at the counter inside and she told me there were no rooms due to evacuations from the storm. I wandered out, mumbling to myself why God had sent me there to no avail when she stopped me. She said that she had a friend that worked the desk at a Best Western at the next exit and she would call him. He told her that he had just had a cancelation and that he had a room available for the next 8 nights. This was the exact number of nights I needed! God led me where I needed to go so that He could use me to shine His light to many others over the next 8 days. Who knows how it would have transpired if I had not “Followed Jesus”. That was over 17 years ago and I want you all to pray for me to continue following.
I will keep all of you in my prayers that you do the same. Especially those of you that don’t yet know The Lord. He is calling you to “follow” Him, too. God bless you all!
Your Brother in Christ,
Eddie Williams